Our Team
The Veterinary Clinic for Horses Großwallstadt offers you a 24-hour service every day of the year, both for the inpatient examination and care of your horse and in the driving practice. Large, bright, camera-monitored intensive care boxes, a well-equipped in-house laboratory, stationary facilities and transportable equipment are available for the optimal treatment of your horse in our clinic.

Managing Director Dr. Holger Fischer
Head veterinarian & managing director is Dr. Holger Fischer, specialist veterinarian for horses. In addition, there are currently 21 veterinarians - including one MS Dipl. ACVS - L.A., Dipl. ECVS specialist veterinarian for equine surgery, a consulting Dipl. ECVS, as well as 2 specialist veterinarians for horses, including 1 with authorization for further training and 1 FEI Permitted Treating Veterinarian, 1 FEI veterinarian (Reining), 28 employees (including 14 trained TFA, 5 trainees and 4 stable staff).
The product certification body of Europäische Veterinärinspektion GmbH (EVI) confirms that Pferdeklinik Grosswallstadt meets the requirements of the GVP Code - Good Veterinary Practice, based on DIN EN ISO 9001.

Unsere Zahnspezialisten fahren mit vollständig zahnspezialisiert ausgerüsteten Praxiswagen. Dadurch sind sie in der Lage, auch bei der ambulanten Behandlung durch transportable Zahnendoskopien "Licht in das Dunkle der Pferdemäuler" zu bringen. Die Zahnbehandlungen selbst werden mit hochwertigen elektrischen Geräten verschiedenster internationaler Hersteller durchgeführt. Aber auch die manuelle Therapie mit Handraspeln ist nach wie vor ein unverzichtbares Equipment bei der Pferdezahnbehandlung.
Discover our training courses, where we continuously promote knowledge and deepen expertise. Here you will find everything you need to stay up to date and expand your specialist knowledge.
We look forward to hearing from you and working together to ensure the well-being of your horses.
Business Hours
Mo to Fr 8.30 am to 6.00 pm
Sa 8.30 am to 12.00 pm
Sa 8.30 am to 12.00 pm
365 days a year
Phone (0) 6022 / 265 970
Fax (0) 6022 / 258 66
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Fax (0) 6022 / 258 66
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